1. I like the number 11. It is the number on my house. I've also been told that it is the master number. I like that about it.
2. I once bicycled 100 miles in Ireland with a public library hardcopy of Ulysses in my side bag. I didn't finish the book then, but I plan to finish it now--as in this year.
3. I'm an album girl, so much so that I fall in love with them and can't stop listening to them. My latest infatuation (I know, earlier post): The Walkmen, You & Me.
4. All of the felt in our piano is in danger of being eaten by tiny moths.
5. I first saw the Pogues live in NYC on St. Patrick's Day. I was 6 months pregnant with Thea. We almost didn't make it to the show, mostly because Tad threw the tickets away. The night before we left I was able to cancel the old tickets by phone and order new tickets to be picked up at will call. Kids--save your online receipts.
6. One summer I worked as a breakfast waitress in Denali, Alaska. I hid the cash that I made in the bottom drawer of my dresser. About halfway through the season we drove to Fairbanks and I bought a mountain bike with a large wad of bills--mostly ones.
7. If you write me a letter I will write you back. I know--I should go first. Maybe I will. Look for letters from me. Soon.
8. I want to play violin with The Cape Ann Symphony.
9. In a past life, I spent the better part of my days making mix tapes for people. I used watercolors to make the list of songs pretty. I wonder if anyone still has one of these babies. And a better question? What's on it? Peter Gabriel? Led Zeppelin? Depeche Mode? General Public? Definitely General Public.
10. I'm horribly nostalgic, sometimes maudlin.
11. I used to eat French toast at Dot's Diner once a week. Now I can barely eat French toast. Times change.
12. The majority of the furniture in our house was found alongside the road or given to us by a friend. I used to think that this was a phase and that some day we'd buy furniture. I now know that this is not a phase.
13. Christmas is my least favorite holiday. I'm trying to turn this around by making peace with Jesus.
14. When I take pictures I don't notice myself thinking at all, which is why I like photography as much as I do. Which is a lot.
15. I am proud of the friendship that I have with my brother. It took wrangling and letting go and then hanging on to shape it into what it is.
16. I used to like snow a lot more than I like it now. Maybe this is because after it snows in Utah and Colorado the sun comes out and it is tomorrow.
17. I like to know people's stories. And backstories.
18. I do my best writing when I am driving, taking a shower or lying awake in bed.
19. I'm working on a definition for "family."
20. Giggling children make me giggle.
21. Crying children make me cry.
22. I identify with giraffes.
23. What if I made a list without using the word "I"?
24. I'm a sucker for sultry summer nights.
25. And ocean swimming. And salt.
26. I try to find beauty in the world. Every day. Today it is warm afternoon light on snow.
27. One day, when the kids ask, I want to be able to tell them about religion--what it is and what it isn't.
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