playground some color replacement soy bean oil 1 ice ice baby

Sunday, March 12, 2006

More Pleasure than Pain

A few days ago I purchased a small bouquet of daffodils from Trader Joe's for $1.49. They were fully closed when I got them home, but when I clipped the ends and put them in water they fully blossomed within hours. Their quick bloom surprised Aidan. She kept calling to me in the space of a few hours to tell me that another flower had opened. The next morning they looked lovely in the light, sitting next to a soon to be amaryllis blossom and I had to photograph them. The last photo documents what happens when a mother of a 2 1/2 year old tries for a mid morning photo shoot. The amaryllis 'went down'. However, after some love and care and a little vacuuming, it is recovering nicely, a buck forty-nine plus time spent vacuuming little to pay for the pleasure of looking at and photographing early spring.



Olson, dust, stems


stems in vase on table

what happens when the mother of a two year old tries for a midmorning photo shoot

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